Presbyterian Women's Scholarship
The Parkway Presbyterian Women’s Educational Scholarship Fund is a benevolent ministry of the Presbyterian Women’s Organization of Parkway Presbyterian Church USA supported by the voluntary contributions and fundraisers of its members and friends.
The purpose of the Fund is to assist worthy young people and adults in securing an adequate education by making merit awards to them.
Recipients of awards shall be members of Parkway Presbyterian Church USA, children of members, church employees, and active/current participants in our One Church, One Child program.
These awards are made in the form of grants. No repayment is required.
Recipients of grants are free to divulge the fact that a grant from this Fund has been awarded; however, recipients are expected to keep the amount of the grant confidential. The maximum grant awarded shall not exceed $500 annually.
Grants awarded from the Fund are made for one academic year. No commitment for any future year is made. Recipients are free to apply for consideration in any subsequent year during which they are students in good standing.
Grants awarded are ordinarily disbursed by the Presbyterian Women’s Treasurer directly to the institution attended by the recipient, to be applied toward tuition, fees, room, board and other expenses incurred in pursuing the recipient’s education. Other arrangements for disbursements may be made in consultation with the Presbyterian Women’s Treasurer.
The Scholarship Fund Committee shall be comprised of the following members: Moderator of the Scholarship Fund, Presbyterian Women’s Treasurer, and at least three active at-large Presbyterian Women who will be recommended by the Scholarship Fund Moderator and approved by the Coordinating Team.
The Presbyterian Women’s Treasurer and the Church Treasurer shall be authorized signers on the Fund account. If the Fund is not disbursed, it shall accumulate in a Parkway Presbyterian Women’s Educational Scholarship Fund account until it is awarded.
The completed application deadline is May 1st. The committee will make its decision and notify applicants by May 15th.
Should a member of the Scholarship Fund Committee have a family member apply for consideration, it will be necessary for that member to remove herself from the committee.
In accepting an award from this Fund, the recipient agrees to remain a student in good standing.
An annual report will be given to the Parkway Presbyterian Women’s Coordinating Team.
(February 2024)