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After the "Time with God's Children" during Worship, elementary age and younger children are invited to a special time of learning more about God and their own faith journey.

Youth meet on Sunday afternoons. Be sure to check the calendar or contact Meg to be on the text chain for information. High Schoolers have been enjoying a monthly check-in dinner out. Special gatherings and projects for our Youth happen throughout the year.

On Wednesdays starting at 11am. Lunch and fellowship following. These short-term studies happen off and on during the year and are open to any and all who can attend during the day. Contact the church or check out the calendar to see if there is a study happening this month and the topic.

Meets on Sunday mornings at 9 am. This class loves to ask the deeper questions either through book studies or longer video courses. Come ready to think and discuss.

With four different circles meeting at four different times in different places... there's a circle for you. Study and fellowship. Some mix in food and fun. The Presbyterian Women at Parkway lead us in different mission projects throughout the year and provide a scholarship for college bound members. If you are looking to connect with other women, this is the place to start. Check the calendar or call the church for times and locations.

SpiritSeekers is looking to restart in 2024. We enjoy good company and good conversation. Check the calendar for times and locations.